High Stakes, High Power Demo in Hollywood.
Hollywood, California is known the world over for glitz and glamour. In the HDD world, it's known for tough conditions and a ton of signal interference. Check out this video to learn how the new 19" Multi-Power Transmitter helped one HDD crew overcome interference and earn a starring role in our latest cinematic masterpiece
30 years ago Digital Control Inc (DCI) was founded on a few defining principles; to build high-quality products, add real value to the job site and provide world class customer support. We set out to do this from the US. That means US jobs, US parts, and US made.
Confidence is Contagious
Confidence doesn’t just come from having the right tools, it also comes from having the right training. Check out this jobsite story to learn how DCI Territory Manager Terry Crosier gave one East Coast HDD crew a much-needed injection of confidence on a challenging bore.
Introducing AP Equipment Financing
We are proud to announce that AP Equipment Financing is the official financing partner for Digital Control Inc. & DigiTrak HDD Locating Systems.
Text us Today!
Our legendary Customer Support team is available 24/7-365 to assist you with any HDD locating needs you may have. We are proud to announce the launch of TEXT SUPPORT.
Talking Shop with Ventura Directional Drilling - Part 2
Meet Mike - Mike is a locator/operator with Ventura Directional Drilling. Today he tells us about his six-year career in HDD, his commitment to being prepared for every job, and how much he LOVES his DigiTrak Falcon HDD locating system.