Head in the Clouds? In this case, that’s a good thing.

We know you don’t have time to waste on the job, so you certainly don’t have time to waste reading a blog.
So we’ll keep it short.
And the short of it is that LWD Cloud can help you save money.
Without LWD Cloud, you’re stuck in a waiting game—and it could cost you:
- You can’t log your data in the field, so you have to take your locator back to your shop. We’ll estimate your trip back to the office from jobsite is 30-60 minutes on a good day, costing $5-10 in gas.
- You’re exhausted after a long day drilling. If you find the energy to manually log your bore on your desktop, that could take you at least another 30 minutes, which costs you an extra 30 minutes’ worth of shop power.
- You send your plan to your customer, and now you wait to get paid. You’ve already lost 30 minutes in the waiting game. What’s worse, since the data was manually entered, there’s a high likelihood you could’ve accidentally typed an error that needs to be corrected before you can get your plan approved. And no one likes when money is slow to get to you.
How LWD Cloud changes the game:
- You’ve finished your job, and on the walk to your truck, you’ve already emailed your completed bore log to your customer directly from your phone.
- You customer views your plan, and because it’s so clearly laid out, he approves right away. You get paid before you even start your ignition.
You just saved yourself at least three hours of time.
You also saved yourself money. At first glance, it might not seem like a lot. But let’s break it down.
An LWD Cloud subscription costs $295 annually, which boils down to just $24 per month—or less than $1 a day.
This means that in just gas alone, you spent more to manually log your data than on an LWD Cloud subscription.
Money makes the world go round, but lawsuits can drive it to a screeching halt.
LWD Cloud can help keep you moving.
- Cover your liability. Every HDD contractor’s two least favorite words: “utility strike.” With the record you get from LWD Cloud, you can show that you avoided utilities with proper clearance—so if a strike does occur, you’ll have proof you aren’t liable.
- Have proof for payment. You can also use your LWD Cloud data to prove to your customer you were in your easement, so you can get paid for every inch you’ve earned. You’ll also have a failsafe in case your phone gets lost, stolen, or breaks. With the ability to send multiple copies of your bore logs to trusted people within your company, you’ll always have a way to ensure you get paid for the job you did.