DigiTrak® Falcon Technology - Plus
More Power - More Options - More ResultsRaising the bar, yet again.
Our team of HDD Locating experts at our Kent, WA USA headquarters is dedicated to the advancement of HDD locating and we are proud to announce the launch of the all new Falcon Plus line of DigiTrak® HDD Locating systems.
The all New DigiTrak Falcon+ HDD locating systems are designed with you in mind. We’ve made it easier and faster to take full advantage of the benefits of Falcon Technology. Improvements that mean your crews can train faster, drill deeper and finish more jobs than the competition.
Available only from DigiTrak
Industry exclusive features you need make Falcon Plus locators the clear choice.
- Frequency Optimization
- Multi Power Transmitters
- Real-Time Downhole Fluid Pressure data
- Sub-k® Rebar Transmitters